August 19, 2022

Change of Plans and Sunset Photos | Senior Session


First stop: Mt. Vernon, Illinios

When I get booked for a Luxe senior session, a lot goes into planning the perfect locations. With some of my smaller sessions, the location decision can be a much easier one, as we are usually only shooting in one central place. But those 2 hour sessions opens up the door for traveling and diversifying the final gallery. With these sessions, we can go up to 3 different locations if time allows. So when Alyssa's mom, Amy, contacted me to do her daughter's senior photos, we began collaborating on the perfect locations for our 2 hours.

(By the way, you can see more of Alyssa here when I did my Prom Mini Sessions. Her and Logan were SO CUTE!)

Amy had told me of a cemetery near their house that has the most beautiful view for sunsets, and so we planned on ending our session there. I threw out the idea of the local sunflower field as an option, and she loved that. I also have been itching to shoot at Cedarhurst Center for the Arts in Mt. Vernon, Illinois, and so after some discussion, we decided on these locations. Before our session day, I began mapping out the route and building a timeline. That's when I realized that with the 3 locations, and driving distances, we had to nix a location. We decided to forgo the sunflower field and just do Cedarhurst and the cemetery.

change of plans

On session day, I took off extra early to get a head-start and scout the exact spots we'd be shooting at. When I arrived at Cedarhurst, I realized I made a huge error in my research. I didn't realize the grounds would be closed on a Saturday evening. To my shame! (I had gone to the website to find information on photoshoots, and they seem to welcome the public to walk the grounds...but alas...lesson learned!)

Embarrassed, I called up Amy, and told her my blunder. This is when I really realized what great clients I have. She graciously took the news and suggested the park which was nearby. Never having gone to the park before, or being able to pre-scout the location, I was nervous. But the location turned out to be a hit!

We were able to walk down the path surrounding a pond and found a nice bench in between boxwood shrubs. Further on we found a bridge with a concrete steps going down to the road. We even saw a tiny sunflower patch nearby and was able to get some sunflower photos even having nixed the original sunflower field.

Senior girl sitting on bench in between two boxwood shrubs
Senior girl leaning back holding knees while sitting on step with backlit hair
Senior girl with blonde hair looking over her shoulder smiling while sitting on steps
Senior girl with blonde hair kneels in front of sunflowers with sun shining behind her
Senior girl sitting on stone steps going down grassy hill
Senior girl leaning against bridge post going over pond
Senior girl delicately touches her face while kneeling in sunflower field
Senior girl laughs off camera while sitting on bench in between two boxwood shrubs

Surprise #2

I always love taking suggestions from my clients on location choices. Amy suggested a nearby building in downtown Mt. Vernon with black windows, and so we headed there next. I think these photos really show how relaxed Alyssa is beginning to get. I must stop here to note that with almost every session I do, the very beginning is always a warmup, and my best images tend to happen deeper into the session when we all get loosey goosey and relaxed. But that's not to say that some of these first images above aren't killer! I love them! But the following images just bring me so much joy as well! Before jumping into the next set, I must commend my girl here on her style! I LOVE TEXTURE! The top she chose for this part just brings so much visual interest to the images, and I adore her so much!

Senior girl leans against black reflective windows
Senior girl leans against black reflective windows
Senior girl looking off camera while standing on sidewalk
senior girl touches the side of her face while looking back at camera
senior girl strolls down sidewalk
senior girl looking gorgeous while looking straight at the camera in gentle gaze
senior girl looking off camera with thumbs in her jeans with leaves in the forground

Sunset Cemetery

Now, before I get slayed for doing a photoshoot at a cemetery, please know that we stayed on the edges and didn't go in amongst the graves at all. In fact, if I didn't tell you we were at a cemetery you probably wouldn't have known it at all by looking at the photos. We definitely tried to remain respectful to the grounds.

My excitement was building as we were driving to this new location, which was about 45 minutes away from Mt. Vernon. The sky was changing before my eyes in a symphony of oranges, pinks, and purples. I knew these photos would just be bombdiggidy. The location did not disappoint! My only regret is that I didn't change my settings to get a clearer picture of the sunset, vs just using the wonderful colors as a beautiful background. Still, I am not too worried, as the sky still blew these photos away. Not to mention what an adorable little model we had! Alyssa's new outfit was so fitting, as it was flowy and free, and colorful.

Senior girl with hands on hips with tall grass behind with sunset behind her
Senior girl leaning against a tree by a corn field with a pink and orange sunset in the background
Senior girl playing with her long wispy robe along the path
senior girl with hands on hips looking back at camera
Senior girl leaning against a tree by a corn field with a pink and orange sunset in the background
senior girl twirling robe in front of corn field at sunset
Senior girl in front of a corn field at sunset
Senior girl in front of a corn field at sunset
Senior girl in front of a corn field at sunset
Senior girl in front of a corn field at sunset
Senior girl leaning against a tree by a corn field
Senior girl leaning against a tree by a corn field
Senior girl leaning against a tree by a corn field with a pink and orange sunset in the background
Senior girl sitting cross legged in road at sunset
Senior girl in front of dark corn stalks with a gentle smirk on her face

Where will we go for your session?

I believe with my whole heart that senior photos need to be more than just stoic posed photos in a studio. I want to give my seniors a fun experience where they feel their best by looking their best.

Where would you want to go for your senior session? Are you interested in learning more about what sort of session you can have?