July 28, 2022

Katie + Eli | Family Session in a Sunflower Field


Sunflower field!!!!!!!!

I attend an amazing mom group at my church called MOPS (Moms Of PreSchoolers), where Katie now comes, as she's a new mom and all. Another mom in the group, a wonderful gal named Theresa, is also a photographer. She mentioned this sunflower field and so I was pretty antsy to get out there to take some photos. I first took my son, Sam, out there to location scout and deemed this place AH-MAZING!

Now, if you remember, I blogged about Katie before when she was pregnant, and we chatted briefly at her maternity session about doing a follow up session when Hazel was born. We agreed that the dress she wore for her maternity session would probably be NUTS in a sunflower field, so that's what she did, and I just died inside of the sheer awesomeness of these photos.